Kick_Off 1st meeting

26 Sep 2018 in

On Wednesday, September 26, 2018, at 10:00 at Cosmos Business Systems, the Kick off 1st meeting i4SEA Project Partner Meeting was held.


10: 00-10: 15 Attendance

Part A: Action - Project - Partners / Duration: 1:45

10: 15-10: 30 Greeting Coordinator - Presenting Cosmos Business Systems

10: 30-10: 40 Presentation of DATASTORIES / PAPI

10: 40-10: 50 Presentation of IPSY / RC ATHENA

10: 50-11: 00 Presentation of IATABIPE / HCMR

11: 00-11: 30 Institutional Framework of Action - Approvals - Amendments - Reports

11: 30-12: 00 i4SEA Project Key Points - Key Milestones

12: 00-12: 15 Break


Part B: Administrative / Management Issues / Duration: 1:00

12: 15-12: 30 Project Management Form - Roles and matching to persons / bodies

12: 30-12: 45 Analytical Timetable & Phase 1 Task Schedule

12: 45-13: 00 Project Communication Project - Meetings - Dissemination of Information - Project Files

13: 00-13: 15 Economic Project Management Issues

13: 15-13: 45 Break


Part C: EU1 Requirements Analysis, Specifications and Data Plan / Duration: 1:15

13: 45-15: 00 Programming Implementation EU1
